Barry Donadio
Veterans Advocate
"I serve all of you"
Donadio is available upon request to appear in court for vulnerable Veterans needing a character witness or to read to the court the Veterans service record in Maryland District Court
Barry Donadio
Veterans Advocate
"I serve all of you"
Donadio is available upon request to appear in court for vulnerable Veterans needing a character witness or to read to the court the Veterans service record in Maryland District Court
A StatementTo All Afghanistan Veterans From Barry Donadio
August 17th 2021
You have served and protected us for 20 years from the chaos that we are witnessing there today. The people of the United States appreciate your protection as well as the people of Afghanistan. Your service was in no way in vein. Not even close. You kept us safe from attacks launched from there. You prevented terrorists from operating in their preferred battle space. You showed America's enemies that we will react when we are attacked. You showed them that we will bring tyrants to justice. You brought peace and hope to a people that have not known it for a generation. You protected children and liberated women. You created an environment for them to have equal rights. They even have the right to vote because of your service there. Mission accomplished twenty times over. Hold your heads high and get ready for the next task. We need you, love you and back you 100 percent . I am always here if you need me. God bless you and God bless America!
Barry Donadio, August 17th 2021
"It is the duty and moral obligation of the citizen populace of a nation to assist, care for, and love their Military Veterans"
Barry Donadio 2017
"Did you know that when I was a young boy, I met many Veterans of the First World War? It is hard to image that they are all gone now. What nice people they were and they always shared their experiences with you if you asked them to. I was so proud to have the opportunity to meet them. I always thanked them for their service to United States and I will never forget them. I sometimes have wondered if they were cared for the way Veterans are today. "
Barry Donadio 2017
Thank a Veteran!
Did you ever wonder what you can do to help Veterans? The emotional impact on a Veteran when simply thanking them can be highly positive. Taking the time to ask them about their experiences is beneficial to the Veteran and the listener. If you have a Veteran in your family or know one, take a moment to express your appreciation for what they did for our nation. Don't wait for Veteran's Day to come once a year.
If you're a Veteran
No matter if you served in a war zone or somewhere in the United States during peace time, you are a Veteran and your service is highly appreciated. No matter what role you filled, it was your initial act to choose to serve our nation is what is vital.
Veterans still want to serve their country even after their Military obligations.
The truth is, many Veterans have a strong urge to serve the public and their country long after they are out of Military service. Sometimes this can be difficult due to physical or mental injury that they may have suffered during their service.
If you are a Veteran, you may want to consider serving America in some of the ways listed below.
Consider some ideas listed below:
Serving in the Volunteer or paid Fire Department
Serving in the Volunteer or paid Ambulance Services
Serving and helping other Veterans as an advocate
Sharing your experiences with community groups
Serving in the Auxiliary or paid Police Department
Serving as a Park Ranger in your county or state
Serving as Ski Patrol in your county or state
Serving in the Court System in your county or state
Become involved in politics the public service
Write a historical book or a book about your experience
Become an artist. Paint what you have experienced
Plant herbs, trees and flowers in your community
Lead a Veterans or community group
Become a Boy Scout or Girl Scout Leader
Help another Veteran.
Are you a Veteran?
You can still serve the United States in the:
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)
Thanks To ALL Veterans
Active Military
Syrian War Veterans
Iraq War Veterans
Afghan War Veterans
Persian Gulf War Veterans
Vietnam War Veterans
Korean War Veterans
WWII War Veterans
U.S. Private Contractor Veterans
Barry Donadio is currently seeking input from U.S. Military Veterans regarding improving benefits for Veterans and how he can help foster positive outcomes for Veterans and their families.
Important Veteran Links Veterans Page
Maryland Department of Veteran Affairs Military Veteran Benefits
You may want to consider joining these Veteran Groups
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
Private opportunities and resources for Veterans
Social Media For Veterans
Check Out